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Breakfast Egg “Souffles” – 5 Different Ways!

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Do you value sleep over eating breakfast? My natural instinct is to hit the snooze and suffer later when my tummy is grumbling for something nutritious. Look no further! I have the easiest and tastiest breakfast meal prep option ever: breakfast egg souffles!

breakfast egg souffles

When I was in high school, I never ate breakfast. I valued my sleep much more than I valued nutrition. That was also evident by the insane amount of Monsters and Taquitos I consumed… no longer relevant.

It wasn’t until I started learning more about the human body that I realized how important it is for us to eat breakfast. If we do not eat when we wake up, our bodies do not get the proper building blocks to create a foundation for the day. If breakfast is skipped completely, our metabolisms do not start, we experience fatigue, and our brains stay sleepy and foggy. Our bodies thrive on nutrition in the morning. Aside from sleeping in, during high school I used to think that skipping meals, including breakfast, would help me lose weight. This is actually the complete opposite! Many people are mentally tricked into similar thinking. What most people do not know is that if our bodies are not being fed properly, our metabolism slows down and our bodies tell our brain to store fat for later. Basically your body is thinking that it is being starved and hold on to what it needs to survive. With all of that said, not only is it super import to consume all meals, it is imperative to start your day with some sort of breakfast.

What you eat also matters. When I finally did learn that I had to eat breakfast, I still wasn’t making the best choices. Yes, your metabolism may jump start on a bowl of Fruity Pebbles, but you are not going to get the proper nutrition for your body to perform at maximum capacity for the first few hours of the day. It was so much easier to pour a bowl of cereal when I was running late than make a delicious and protein-packed omelet. Fast forward to the last four years when I learned not only that I need to eat breakfast, but I must eat healthy, protein-packed foods that will keep my body fueled until my next meal. Well… there’s no way I can make something like that every day before work (at the break of dawn). Enter my obsession with meal prepping.

breakfast egg souffles

I still value sleep almost the same way I did in high school, so some days I am tempted by the snooze button. One way I have learned to compromise with my inner sleep beast is by meal prepping! What a life saver. Meal prepping does take some time and dedication, but the end results are priceless. Usually I take my day off for the week and plan/prep meals that I can easily prepare. I’ll chop, bake, and freeze ingredients for full meals if it means I eat healthier and save time after a long day of work. If I have an easier work week, I will only prepare my breakfasts. In the end, breakfast is the priority! With my new-found love for meal prepping my eggs, I bring you these FIVE recipes to spice up your mornings!


breakfast egg souffles


This is personally my favorite combination because I love feta! It is the perfect flavor-booster for a protein and veggie packed souffle! If you truly do not like feta, you can certainly leave it out. The kalamata olives will still carry out the desired Mediterranean flavor.


breakfast egg souffles

Buffalo Chicken

Yep… you read that correctly. I took my absolute favorite party appetizer and turned it into a nutritious breakfast bite! This souffle adds a little more substance to your meal. While there aren’t many veggies in this one, the combination of the hot sauce and melted cheese will make you want to eat these every morning!


breakfast egg souffles

Veggie Lovers

Where are my veggie lovers at?? To be honest, since originally developing this recipe, Allen and I have cut back on the amount of meat that we eat. Unfortunately while these egg souffles are not vegan, there are dozens of vegetarian combinations that you can make! Not only are the veggies super flavorful, but they are vital for starting your day off right.


breakfast egg souffles


This is a spin-off of my previously posted Turkey Bacon Souffles, which I made almost every week at the beginning of this year! When I was coming up with the flavors to test for the souffles, I remembered that making BLT’s with my mom was my absolute favorite dinner when I was a little girl. It was only fitting that I already had a recipe including the turkey bacon! For those of you who may not know, a BLT is a sandwich consisting of Bacon, Lettuce, and Tomato. You’re probably thinking, “how is that nutritious?”. Well, it is when you replace the processed white bread with wholesome eggs! If you are a fan of the classic BLT, you will really enjoy this.


breakfast egg souffles

Ham and Cheese

This souffle is a spin-off of one of my tried and true baked omelets. The combination of vibrant parsley with melting cheese will fill your house up with aromas of comfort. I love the brunchy feel that these little guys add to the morning grind. Better yet, serve them at your next breakfast party!


I hope you enjoy these little guys as much as I do! I also hope they help you get on track to eating a nutritious breakfast regularly so that you can feel and be the best you can be!


All images and text ©Alexis Stambaugh for Passport Flavor™


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